Price of fuel drops down again…

A new decrease in the price of fuel has been decided in the Automatic Pricing Mechanism meeting yesterday night.

So here are the new prices :

Essence : Rs 39.80/L to Rs 36.85/L (-Rs 2.95)

Diesel : Rs 41.00/L to Rs 37.95/L (-Rs 3.05 )

Thanks to Carrot for giving me the link to APM, had lost it 😛

So, here it is, again : The official site of APM

Have a nice day everyone…

11 thoughts on “Price of fuel drops down again…

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  1. I always view price decreases that happen just prior to end of year festivities as suspicious. Probably just a carrot to pacify consumers before initiating price increases in the new year. February is usually the period where things get back to the upward spiral.


  2. Now prices of transport, electricity{Although some one too clever said that there WON’T BE ANY DECREASE}. bread should be decreased..

    But we all know that it won’t happen.


  3. Wii tushal tne bien government la xtr kntn nu akzsa li ti kit tou cher..
    lanner prochain pu election tou pu baisser lrl nu(pa mw parski pena lage pu voter) ban mauritian pu manz boule,pu fini bilier ki miser nu in passer pu al vote Navin..


  4. well the prices may have decreased but since yesterday a petrol station in my locality has ‘out of stock’ cards hanging infront of the pumps 😦
    When will they stop being ‘ti l’esprit’ these petrol station owners??!


  5. seki mo gagne riE la dans…

    kan prix barik lessence/mazoutt montE par $50, bann boulanger dimann augmentation prix… biennn bon

    kan lessence/mazouttt beC par $50, zot trankil zot pa dir narien… blok soukou nett…. enkor bon meme.. business sa aprE tout

    Kan lessence/mazoutt [aprE sa baisse $50], li al montE par $2, ala boulanger re rod augmentation enkor!!! ki zot fou kisa? just verify this the next time petrol will have a small increase.

    parey pou bis osi [mais bon ena zenfant vraiment abizE]


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