

Born on 22nd March 1985, I was raised in the north of the island, more precisely, in Triolet and very recently, we moved in to the center of the island. After having completed my secondary studies at Saint Joseph’s College (Curepipe), I enrolled in a BSc(Hons) Computer Science and Engineering course at The University of Mauritius, from where I graduated in 2007.

Once in the job market, I occupied the following job positions :

  • Associate Software Engineer, Software Engineer and Senior Software Engineer
    DCDM Consulting (2007-2011)
  • Senior Developer, Team Lead,
    Mediacall / Canal+ (2012-2018)
  • Undisclosed employment (2018 – current)

Married to Dhaneesha since October 2012, we have two boys born in 2014 and 2017 respectively. As you can guess, we dedicate most of our time to both of them but during the little leisure time I can now afford, I go for swimming and snorkeling. I’m very passionate about photography and a well known blogger in the island. I also move a lot with my camera hanging around my neck or simply pointing my mobile camera to anything I find worth a shot and uploading most shots on Facebook and some of my best shots on Flickr.

This blog

Gone online on the 1st October 2006, this blog is primarily a space where I can freely express myself while giving the opportunity to others to share their own point of views. Exclusively targeted to Mauritians, the blog also provides a unique platform to discuss on topics and issues directly related to our island.

Additionally, I use it a lot for sharing bits and pieces of my personal life, hence a personal blog. That’s why you will might regularly get bored when you come across posts where I talk about me, me and just me. Kidding. You will love being here all the time.

That makes a lot of information for you to remember but you will most probably come again for the great content in here. And if you wish to get in touch with me, head over to this page.

Happy blogging 😉

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