Invaded by foreigners?

Let me be clear. I am not against development of the country and I am well aware about the huge investment and opportunities brought in by foreigners. On top of that, thousands of jobs. Getting people of different country of origins and experience is most of the time enriching and healthy, for the economy, the experience and life in the island. Through this blog, I made some very good friends, expats or even those got their PR. I do not intend to talk bad of them in anyway. Far from that. It is just my opinion about SOME people. Il ne faut pas généraliser.

Today, I gonna rather talk about a few points. You are free to contribute by adding comments.

SOME of them just take everything for granted. The roads for instance. I personally witnessed how rude SOME of them are once on the roads. They just piss you off. Don’t get into their way.

Several Mauritian companies/local branches are sometimes partly managed by foreigners, mainly for better control over the organisation or for their experience. Even the government hires high caliber people who produce excellent results but the worse part is how people sometimes get treated. Abiding to self-made regulations/procedures and sometimes bear with their bad intentions. There have been a few situations in which people actually got fired for nothing, sometimes under false accusations.  Whom should you report to? They are your boss and most probably, the HQ will believe their representatives, not you, a mere employee. And what about your career?

Briefly quoting the case of France Telecom. Even the Minister of Information and Communication Technologies has publicly blamed the FT representatives for the situation prevailing inside Mauritius Telecom.

And then you have another category of foreigners coming to Mauritius for evading law and tax of their own country. Doing business here is more profitable, for them mostly. SOME of them just do not care about anything else.

Mauritians are known to be welcoming and very friendly people, but please these so-mentioned “SOME” people should not mess up everything. And as usual, we have the “rodères boutes”. If you are a Mauritian reading this, you know what I am talking about. In case you are a foreigner and categorize yourself in the text above, you should probably ask your “yes-man”.

Note : You should pay careful attention to the use of the word “SOME” in this text.

10 thoughts on “Invaded by foreigners?

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  1. I totally agree with you but everywhere you go, the locals feel like some foreigners are taking advantage in certain ways.  For example, if you go to the UK, you hear a lot of complaints from residents about the Polish or Africans (including Mauritians) for “snatching jobs’ away from them.  You go to St Vincent in the Caribbean where large businesses, owned by Americans, are run by Americans for their own profit.  

    What I’m trying to say, foreigners “raiding your country” is a universal problem.  If you can’t beat them, join them…in this case, ignore them…if you can…


  2. In my opinion, foreigners invading your country is a universal problem.  Everywhere you go on this planet, the locals are complaining about the foreigners; they are either taking the natives’ job or in some other way, taking advantage of a flawed system. 

    The Indians and Bangladeshis, coming to Mauritius, kinda freak me out.  With all due respect, I feel like they want to overtake the island and make it their own.  As it already is, ties between Mauritius and said countries are strong.  

    Well, I guess if you can’t beat them, join them. Or, in this case, ignore them…but that’s not really a solution, is it? 😦


    1. It can be a bit impossible (and dangerous) to ignore such people on the road. With their vehicles taken on hire, they go anywhere, sometimes driving like stupids just to get in front of you. I personally experienced that.


      1. Personal experience too: one couple of Indians once attempted to drive against the one-way traffic flow along sime-disik… And they kept smiling, apparently convinced that everyone was hooting in support for their brand new car…


  3. Good subject. I belong to that rare species which is in the category of retired resident foreigner, or RRF, or bloody foreigner. Although I have been associated with MRU for more than 30yrs I never worked here so I cannot comment on the work environment. My observations of a certain category of the expat textile labour force is that they are sometimes living in poor conditions. I already blogged about that. Then there is the other category, the more wealthy, which I keep well away from because they are just plain arrogant. That category has managed to find loop-holes in local laws to permit them to acquire land and property. I guess money talks and influences. The result being that certain parts of this island is now their playground!  I suppose all these Malls with expensive shops are there to keep them happy when they actually step outside of their IRS walled sanctuaries.


    1. Just to point out that there exists laws which actually allow foreigners to acquire property in Mauritius. So it’s kind of wrong to put all foreigners in the same basket and tag them as being those who have acquired real estate using personal influences.


  4. rha ben c’est la mondialisation mon grand! ça ne va qu’empirer au fur et à mesure que Maurice se développe! 
    Lol heureusement que tu as écris “some” car il y en a qui sont très sympa!
    puis c’est pas mal d’emmener pour les bons élément leur savoir faire à Maurice, c’est comme ça qu’on apprend en échangeant du savoir en échangeant les travailleurs enfin tu vois ce que je veux dire
    euh j’ai pas trop compris le truc de quand les gens se font fired! c’est ptète parce que j’ai mal à la tête lol et c’est en anglais je relirai ton article 🙂
    oué évasion fiscale et se faire de l’argent … les occidentaux savent bien faire ça ben dis toi ils ne s’expatrient pas que à Maurice mais dans plein de payssss!!! (là jte parle des français pour les autres jsais pas mais ça doit être pareil)
    ben t’as vu même en politique, aux Nations Unies ou quoi, les occidentaux font toujours ce qu’ils leur plaisent, ce qui leur profite, donc ça ne m’étonne pas, ils auront un peu moins la grosse tête quand au fur et à mesure ils vont perdre du pouvoir avec les pays émergents.
    Et puis aussi ben oui les mauriciens c’est trop accueillant, surtout avec les blancs, des fois jvous trouve genre trop à leur pied! et je comprends pas pourquoi, dès que yen a qui voient un blanc ça y est on dirait il le place trop haut je sais pas donc normal qu’on se fasse traiter comme ça, c’est bon il est juste blanc il y a que la couleur qui change ya rien de spécial! moi je ne les traite pas comme ça lol alors je me fais pas marcher dessus par les occidentaux
    et puis aussi t’oublies ou alors j’ai pas tout lu comme jtai dis j’ai mal à la tête lol des fois ils emmènent leur problème là! la drogue et tout c’est les étrangers qui ont lancé ça à maurice non? surement des réseaux de prostitutions aussi … enfin bref quand on s’ouvre comme ça jveux dire quand on ouvre notre pays et ça c’est partout pareil on y gagne du bon comme du mauvais et faut faire avec plus ça va aller plus il n’y aura plus de frontière

    aller bisou et bonne continuation pour ton blog Yash


  5. tou sa ki to fine decrire la, mo pa trouver zot comportement different ar bane “certain” mauricien ki ena dan sa pays la..



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